Social Networking in Sales
The impact and opportunities of social media in today’s business.
The implementation of social media technology as a hotel sales strategy has been substantial over the last few years. The utilization of social media (e.g. LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) for reaching business to business customers is a relatively new phenomenon with performance outcomes essentially unknown. Sales people today need to be in tune with the new age of customer engagement and understand how social media has a positive effect on sales processes and sales performance (creating opportunities and relationship management).
Main Objectives
The participants will successfully work with an array of different social media platforms to commercially utilize the platforms to engage customers and simultaneously enhance the hotels’ market positioning and reach as part of the larger sales strategy.
Program Experiences
• To get a clear understanding of what social media marketing is
• To be able to understand and drive the implementation and how it works on the property
• To gain an understanding of the importance of Social Media
• Know Key Reasons for Social Media Analysis and its KPIs
• Know what to do in Preparation for a good start
• Building an understanding of a potential strategy for the hotel
This seminar can be of interest in sales and marketing associates.
2 Days