Be Different and Authentic in Customer Service
How to create loyal and happy customers.
Good is no longer good enough. Customers aren’t just happy to receive “normal” service, they expect more. A standout customer experience is one where the customer felt a genuine connection to the brand and hotel. Providing an authentic experience can create loyal and happy customers who keep returning. Differentiating yourself from the rest is important; it is essential to stay ahead of the competition. Providing authentic customer service can be your key to everlasting success.
Main Objectives
This program will cover authentic customer service. The participants will learn how to truly connect with customers and what it means to be
authentic and genuine. Participants will bring understanding and be inspired to provide authentic customer service while addressing, why
customer service, both internal and external, is important in any organization. Participants will be able to explain how to connect and engage with customers on an authentic level.
Program Experiences
• Understand how to genuinely connect with the guest.
• Create authentic (real) interactions with the guest at different touch points AND creating ‘new’ touch points.
• Understand what it means to be authentic and offer service with passion and energy.
• Understand that being authentic means being “yourself” and learn how to be yourself in a professional way.
No special qualifications required.
2 Days