A Taste in Hospitality
How to start caring for your customers.
Hospitality for those interested in hospitality without the formal background to enhance customer experience benchmarked by hospitality standards for those employees who are customer focused. Hospitality sets benchmarks, which other organizations look to, the market is changing, and people and organizations need to experiences more on pleasing their customers and creating hospitality experiences to remember.
Main Objectives
The program will introduce the concept of the Pyramid of Experience and how it relates to hospitality service standards. The participants will learn from hospitality standards and experienced organizations to get a basic understanding of Hospitality and what that represents in terms of care and customer experience. They will understand the definition of Hospitality and explore standard guest expectations and how they vary between people. Participants will be able to explain what makes a hospitality moment; people versus product. The program also gives tips and tricks on how to improve effective
communication by applying questioning techniques, listening skills, and understanding non-verbal communication.
Program Experiences
• Understand the definition of Hospitality.
• Learn about standard guest expectations and how they vary between people. Be able to explain what makes a hospitality moment (people versus product).
• Understand the pyramid of experience and how it relates to hospitality service standards.
• Learn the difference between standard hospitality and wow experience.
• Experience the hospitality standards for themselves and gain a first-hand understanding of what ‘hospitality’ is.
• Be able to go the extra mile confidently and create a customer WOW effect.
• Improve effective communication by applying questioning techniques, listening skills and understanding non-verbal communication and realize how that influences client relationships.
No special qualifications required.
2 Days